Sep 28, 2009

What's that red light?

My digital camera requires a constant supply of new batteries. Seriously, it's like parents dishing out Cheeiros to keep a toddler quiet in church. Probably my fault for buying a camera made by Rayovac--but hey, who knew?

Anyway, I was out of batteries Sunday. And since I go through so many, I decided to buy more than the two that I'd need to keep my camera going for the 1/2 hour I needed it. I took some time checking out the multi-packs of batteries that Walgreens had on display. They had 10 packs that came with character-shaped flashlights. Not that I needed a flashlight shaped like Nemo, but hey, I'm not one to pass up something for free! But as I stood there deciding between Nemo and Dora, I noticed a package that came with a free razor-- and a pink razor at that!

Since I was also buying the sinus medicine that's apparently a major ingredient in crystal meth, I had to pay at the pharmacy counter. When the pharmacist checked me out, he said, "that's a strange combination." Since I was searching through my purse for the identification necessary to prove that I wasn't involved in production, or use of crystal meth, I distractedly answered, "yeah," thinking that he meant the combination of sinus medicine and batteries.

It wasn't until today, that I realized he probably meant the battery/razor comb-pack. Which now that I think of it is a rather unseemly combination. Like something you'd buy at an "adult bookstore," or maybe something you'd get free at Best Buy with the purchase of a Web cam-- or better yet, a digital camera.

1 comment:

ox1ce said...

Have you tried rechargeables? When we switched, we didn't go thru nearly as many batteries. Somehow they seem to last longer...