Feb 11, 2009


How can I know these people are idiots? Well, here are a few clues:

#1.) They know someone that owns an 18-foot python
The case is pretty much proven at this point, but the remaining clues provide significant supporting evidence.

#2.) They they agreed, not only to feed but to "keep" their friend's 18-foot python for an unspecified period of time

#3.) In the video interview the dad's image is blurred. How much do you want to bet he requested this measure to "protect his identity" without taking into account that mug shots of him and his wife would be available, and used in conjunction with the story?

And last but not least,
#4.) The Grandma of the injured child states that the toddler's injuries were "minor" because they didn't require stitches.

Ahh, I'm not a snake expert but I think pythons use constriction to kill their victims before swallowing them whole.


bon bon said...

does the kid have a snake tattoo on his arm?! the python maybe mistook this as a threat. a simple misunderstanding.

Anonymous said...
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Donna said...

Yeah, I saw that too!

In an effort to make themselves seem less idiotic, you'd think someone would have washed the 'snake tattoo' off the kid's arm... assuming it's temporary.
